

Jordin Shop Admin

Shop at your own risk.

Yes, you are responsible for yourself.

If you purchase an item from Is It Stolen? we are not liable to any legal ramifications on your behalf following the completion of the transaction. Shop at your own risk.

Security is mostly superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.”

by Helen Keller

"Buy me... You know you want to..."

Should you trust us? Maybe.

     "Trust" is an outdated human construct as far as we're concerned. If you feel like you can't shop at our store because you don't trust the origin of the products, the authenticity, us as a seller, or you even have a hard time trusting yourself, then by all means you might want to find another shop. We cater to impulse buyers and those that throw caution to the wind in order to buy low and win BIG. This truly might not be the shop for you, and that's OK. We "trust" that you'll make the right decisions... 🌝       

     If you ever feel like your life is tapering off -- the thrill and excitement of taking risks has escaped you -- and you want to experience the roller coaster of emotions that comes with high-risk, high-reward transactions, please continue reading. We have positioned our shop as the sketchiest place to buy commodities that potentially yield a high ROI in the re-seller market for a reason. Our business model is meant to be blurred in order to ensure that our customers are equally as confused about the legitimacy of the shop as a whole, as well as the products we sell. With this community of confusion, we're able to promise unbeatable prices on extremely rare items and an even playing field for all of our shoppers. We provide no real insight as to where our products have been sourced, nor why they're even in our shop in the first place. For the customer's sake, our only true mission is to bring you these products and allow you to make a choice by your own free will. 

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Happy customers

"Purchasing the "Heart of the Ocean" from Titanic off of Is It Stolen? was the best decision I could've ever made. Absolutely zero ragrets."

By Jack R.

"Ya I've been wrong on a few of my purchases, but I've also scored sweet deals. If you're thinking about being a customer at Is It Stolen? then don't hesitate. Do it."

By Lisa T.

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Possibly Real 
Sketchy blogger based in Oakland, California.

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